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Engine Repair

Your vehicle's engine stands as the mechanical heart of your automobile, comprised of intricate components that inevitably undergo wear and tear with regular use. At Differentials Plus, we recognize the complexity of your engine and the diverse range of issues it can encounter over time. Our team of seasoned technicians boasts extensive expertise in diagnosing and addressing an array of engine-related problems.

From minor nuisances like small leaks requiring meticulous patching to more extensive issues necessitating a complete engine replacement, our auto repair shops offer a comprehensive suite of engine services tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether it's identifying and rectifying issues with pistons, cylinders, gaskets, or any other engine component, you can trust our skilled professionals to deliver precise solutions that restore your engine's performance and reliability. At Differentials Plus, we're committed to ensuring the optimal functioning of your vehicle's engine, providing unparalleled service and peace of mind to our valued customers.


What's Next?

Give us a call to schedule an appointment and make sure you give us as much detail as possible. This will help us get to the root of the problem quickly and have you back on the road sooner. 

Evaluation & Inspection

We will inspect and diagnose your vehicle using specific tests and diagnostic equipment to pinpoint the root problem. We use the same equipment as your OEM so you can rest assured your vehicle diagnosis is accurate.


We won't perform any services to your vehicle without your authorization. We will provide a digital inspection report with photos and videos and a detailed estimate so you can make an informed decision.

Render Services

We know it's a hassle to be without your vehicle so we do our best to complete all approved work the same day. If that is not possible it will be communicated to you during the authorization process.

Internal Combustion

In 1876, the first internal combustion engine intended for commercial application emerged, marking a pivotal moment in the automotive history. This groundbreaking design laid the foundation for the majority of conventional gasoline engines, which are still largely used today.

Contemporary internal combustion engines adhere to the four-stroke principle known as the Otto cycle, attributed to its primary innovator, Niklaus Otto. This cycle delineates the conversion of energy-producing fluid into motion, serving as the fundamental process driving engine operation. So how does it work? 



The engine sucks in a fuel and air mixture. The piston starts the process by descending and drawing air into the cylinder via intake valves. Then, fuel is delivered into a cylinder that houses the piston. This is what is referred to as an intake stroke. 



The engine compresses, or squeezes, the air and fuel in the cylinder.

The intake valve closes allowing the piston to move back up, thereby compressing the air and fuel within the cylinder.



The compressed fuel and gas explodes with the use of a catalyst.

A spark plug ignites the compressed fuel/air mixture to create a small explosion. The process is repeated continuously when the engine is running. The energy released from these micro-explosions is channeled to the vehicle’s wheels.



Exhaust goes out.

The waste fumes produced by the explosion in each cylinder are expelled through the vehicle’s exhaust system.

Keep Your Engine Healthy

Your vehicle's engine is the heart of its performance and longevity. Keeping it healthy is essential for ensuring smooth operation, optimal fuel efficiency, and longevity of your vehicle. Regular maintenance and proper care are the best ways to prevent costly repairs and breakdowns. So what should you do?

  1. Regular Oil Changes!!!:

    • Oil lubricates and cools the engine components, preventing friction and wear.

    • Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for oil change intervals, typically between 3,000-5,000 miles.

    • Use high-quality oil that meets the specifications outlined in your vehicle's manual.

    • Check oil levels regularly and top up if necessary.

    • Replace the oil filter during each oil change to ensure proper filtration.

  2. Keep Cooling System in Check:

    • The cooling system regulates engine temperature, preventing overheating.

    • Regularly inspect coolant levels and top up as needed with the recommended coolant type.

    • Check for leaks in hoses, radiator, and water pump.

    • Flush and replace coolant according to the manufacturer's guidelines to prevent corrosion and buildup.

  3. Maintain Air Filters:

    • Air filters prevent dust, dirt, and debris from entering the engine, ensuring clean air intake.

    • Replace air filters as recommended by the manufacturer, typically every 12,000 to 15,000 miles.

    • Inspect and clean air filters more frequently if you drive in dusty or polluted environments.

  4. Monitor Engine Belts and Hoses:

    • Engine belts (such as serpentine belts) and hoses play crucial roles in engine operation.

    • Regularly inspect belts for signs of wear, cracking, or fraying, and replace them if necessary.

    • Check hoses for leaks, cracks, or bulges, and replace any damaged hoses promptly.

  5. Fuel System Maintenance:

    • Keep fuel injectors clean by using fuel system cleaners periodically.

    • Replace fuel filters at regular intervals to ensure proper fuel flow and prevent contaminants from reaching the engine.

    • Avoid running the fuel tank near empty to prevent sediment buildup in the fuel lines.

  6. Regular Engine Tune-Ups:

    • Schedule regular tune-ups with a qualified mechanic to ensure all engine components are in optimal condition.

    • Tune-ups typically involve inspecting and adjusting ignition timing, spark plugs, and other critical components.

  7. Drive Responsibly:

    • Avoid aggressive driving habits such as rapid acceleration and sudden braking, as they can put unnecessary stress on the engine.

    • Follow recommended speed limits and avoid excessive idling, which can waste fuel and strain the engine.

  8. Listen for Unusual Sounds:

    • Pay attention to any unusual sounds coming from the engine, such as knocking, rattling, or squealing.

    • Unusual sounds may indicate underlying issues that require immediate attention from a qualified mechanic.

By following these maintenance tips and adopting responsible driving habits, you can keep your vehicle's engine in optimal condition and prolong its lifespan. Regular inspections, timely repairs, and proactive maintenance will not only ensure reliable performance but also save you money in the long run by preventing costly repairs and breakdowns. At Differentials Plus, we inspect each vehicle that comes in for service to address these maintenance items and help to ensure your vehicle stays efficient and running smoothly for the years to come.

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